
Sip and Drive: A Car Interiors Made from Coffee

The automotive industry has long been known to have a significant impact on our planet, including:

• Design: using non-renewable resources like petroleum-based plastics and synthetic fibres in car design contributes to negative environmental impacts.

• Emissions: Cars create pollution that affects the environment and contributes to climate change.

• Waste Generation: The production of cars generates waste, such as packaging materials, scrap metal, and other materials. These can contribute to soil and water pollution.

• End-of-Life Disposal: Cars can create hazardous waste, as batteries, tires, and fluids may contain toxic substances that harm the environment if not disposed of properly at the end of their life.

Engineering consultancy Callum has found a solution, identifying a variety of "viable materials" that can be used in a car's cabin to make it more sustainable.

For example, coffee grounds and eggshells, which are abundant waste products, can be combined to form a durable material that can replace traditional plastics.

Efforts are being made to use more sustainable materials and technologies in car design and to promote the recycling and responsible disposal of end-of-life vehicles.

Let's create cars that not only take us places but also benefit the planet 🌍


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